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Netflix is Shifting Its Focus To Audiences, Not Auteurs 不再垂青導演 Netflix望向觀眾

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2024/06/14 第489期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Netflix is Shifting Its Focus To Audiences, Not Auteurs 不再垂青導演 Netflix望向觀眾
U.S. universities struggle to calm campuses torn by the Gaza war. 動用警力驅除抗議者 美大學維穩至上
Netflix is Shifting Its Focus To Audiences, Not Auteurs 不再垂青導演 Netflix望向觀眾
文/Nicole Sperling

不再垂青導演 Netflix望向觀眾

Back in, say, 2019, if a filmmaker signed a deal with Netflix, it meant that he or she would be well paid and receive complete creative freedom. Theatrical release? Not so much. Still, the paycheck and the latitude — and the potential to reach the streaming service's huge subscriber base — helped compensate for the lack of hoopla that comes when a traditional studio opens a film in multiplexes around the world.


But those days are a thing of the past.


Dan Lin arrived as Netflix's new film chief April 1, and he has started making changes. He laid off around 15 people in the creative film executive group, including one vice president and two directors. (Netflix's entire film department is around 150 people.) He reorganized his film department by genre rather than budget level and has indicated that Netflix is no longer only the home of expensive action flicks featuring big movie stars.


Rather, Lin's mandate is to improve the quality of the movies and produce a wider spectrum of films — at different budget levels — the better to appeal to the varied interests of Netflix's 260 million subscribers. He will also be changing the formulas for how talent is paid, meaning no more enormous upfront deals.

林暐的要求則是改善電影品質,並以不同預算等級拍出更加五花八門的電影,以便更能抓住Netflix 2.6億訂戶形形色色的喜好。他也會改變提供人才報酬的規則公式,這意味大型的預付合約將不復存在。

The company declined to comment for this article.


Lin's predecessor as Netflix's film chief, Scott Stuber, took the job in 2017. To succeed, Stuber spent lavishly on talent, promising filmmakers near-complete creative freedom and hefty budgets. It worked — to an extent. The directors got to make their passion projects, and their films earned Oscar nominations (though few wins.)


Under Lin, who once ran production at Warner Bros., the aim is to make Netflix's movies better, cheaper and less frequent. Lin, who declined to comment for this article, also wants his team to become more aggressive producers — developing their own material rather than waiting for projects from producers and agents to come to them, according to two people familiar with his thinking.


Netflix was reconsidering its pay structure before Lin's arrival. Since the company began sharing performance metrics last year, there have been discussions about basing pay for filmmakers and actors on a film's performance, similar to how the traditional studios reward them when movies perform well at the box office.


U.S. universities struggle to calm campuses torn by the Gaza war. 動用警力驅除抗議者 美大學維穩至上
文/Alan Blinder

動用警力驅除抗議者 美大學維穩至上

At New York University, the police swept in to arrest protesting students on Monday night, ending a standoff with the school's administration.


At Yale University, police placed protesters' wrists into zip ties Monday morning and escorted them onto campus shuttles to receive summonses for trespassing.


Columbia University kept its classroom doors closed Monday, moving lectures online and urging students to stay home.


Harvard Yard was shut to the public. Nearby, at campuses including Tufts and Emerson, administrators weighed how to handle encampments that looked much like the one that police dismantled at Columbia last week — which protesters quickly resurrected.


Less than a week after the arrests of more than 100 protesters at Columbia, administrators at some of the country's most influential universities were struggling, and largely failing, to calm campuses torn by the conflict in the Gaza Strip and Israel.


During the turmoil Monday, which coincided with the start of Passover, protesters called on their universities to become less financially tied to Israel and its arms suppliers. Many Jewish students agonized anew over some protests and chants that veered into antisemitism, and feared again for their safety. Some faculty members denounced clampdowns on peaceful protests. Alumni and donors raged.


And from Congress, there were calls for the resignation of Columbia's president from some of the same lawmakers Nemat Shafik tried to pacify last week with words and tactics that inflamed her own campus.


It is all but certain that the demonstrations, in some form or another, will last on some campuses until the end of the academic year, and even then, graduation ceremonies may be bitterly contested gatherings.


For now, with the most significant protests confined to a handful of campuses, administrators' approaches sometimes seem to shift from hour to hour.


Protesters have demonstrated with varying intensity since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel. But this round of unrest began to gather greater force last Wednesday, after Columbia students erected an encampment, just as Shafik was preparing to testify before Congress.


At that hearing in Washington, before a Republican-led House committee, she vowed to punish unauthorized protests on the private university's campus more aggressively, and the next day, she asked the New York Police Department to clear the encampment. In addition to the more than 100 people arrested, Columbia suspended many students. Many Columbia professors, students and alumni voiced fears that the university was stamping out free debate.


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