老外說10點開會,On the nose,跟鼻子沒關係!
"The meeting will start at 10:00 AM on the nose."
10點,on the nose?
他摸了一下鼻子,on the nose,是什麼呢?
1. "The meeting will start at 10:00 AM on the nose."
On the nose是指「精確無誤」,經常出現在講求效率的商業場合,用來談論時間或金錢,例如:
• I want you there at noon on the nose. 我希望你在中午準時到達。
A: How much do you think my new TV cost? 你覺得我買新電視花了多少錢?
B: £300? 三百英磅。
A: Yes, on the nose! It cost £300. 完全正確,剛好就是三百英磅。
• Your guess was right on the nose. 你猜得對極了。
2. We won by a nose.
“By a nose”字面上是指「以一個鼻子的距離」,這說法來自賽馬,想想看兩匹奔跑的馬僅差一個鼻子的距離,是多麼險啊!所以by a nose就是指以微小的差距取勝。再看一例:
• The candidate lost the election by a nose. 那候選人以微弱之差競選失敗。
和by a nose接近的用法,是"nose out",有「僥倖取勝、險勝、略勝一籌」的意思。
• He nosed out the leading candidate in Iowa. 他以些微優勢擊敗了愛荷華州的主要候選人。
3. The answer is under your nose the whole time.
某個東西顯而易見、就在眼前,中文裡有「眼」,英文卻用nose這個字,而不是eye。Under the eye of someone是指在某人的監督或督導下,例如:
•He did his work under the eye of his supervisor. 他在主管的督導下完成工作。
Under the nose是「東西就在眼前,我們卻沒有注意到」,常和the whole time搭配,強調「一直都在」。例如:
• The solution to the problem was right under our noses the whole time. 問題的解決方法一直就在我們眼皮底下。
• The keys were right under my nose the whole time, but I didn’t see them. 鑰匙一直就在我眼前,但我卻沒看到。
4. Maggie had a nose job last month.
再來看一個在看劇時可能會遇到的字nose job;nose job就是鼻子整型手術。例句:
• How much does a nose job cost? 鼻子整形手術要花多少錢?