2015年7月27日 星期一

The Temple City  神秘古國 ── 吳哥窟

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2015/07/28 第206期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Temple City  神秘古國 ── 吳哥窟

  Angkor Wat is the largest religious monument1 in the world. The site is in Cambodia just outside the city of Siem Reap. It is made up of a huge complex2 of temples and other religious sites that cover more than two square kilometers. The complex was originally built in the 12th century by a king of the Khmer Empire. The temples were originally Hindu, so there are many impressive Hindu carvings3 and statues throughout the complex. Later, it became a Buddhist4 temple as the local religion began moving toward Buddhism, so statues of Buddhas are also common.
  Angkor Wat has been a UNESCO World Heritage5 site since 1992. Nowadays, it sees hundreds of thousands of visitors every year coming through. All these visitors mean that it is a challenge to maintain this unique historic site. So far, however, the only damage has been some minor graffiti, but there have been some structures added for protection and tourist safety. At one point, bacteria6 from tourists' hands were starting to damage the stone of the ruins7, so guests are asked not to touch any of the buildings. Between UNESCO and the Cambodian government, the monument has been protected remarkably well. It looks like this unique place will remain popular for generations to come.


  1992 年,吳哥窟被列入聯合國教科文組織的世界文化遺產。今日,每年有數十萬的觀光客前來拜訪。所有這些觀光客的人數意味著要維護這個獨特的歷史遺址是一項挑戰。然而,至今唯一造成的破壞是一些微不足道的塗鴉,不過為了保護古蹟和遊客安全已加蓋一些建築。遊客手上的細菌曾經一度開始侵蝕廢墟的石頭表面,因此現在禁止遊客觸摸任何建築。在聯合國教科文組織和柬埔寨政府的聯合努力下,遺址被保護得相當好。看起來這獨特的地方將能世代流傳下去。

  1. religious a. 宗教的
    religion n. 宗教信仰
    Emma has never joined any religious groups.
    Hip-hop music is popular with millions of people regardless of race or religion.
  2. empire n. 帝國
    A mighty empire once ruled half of the world.
  3. hundreds of thousands of...  數十萬的……
    The price of a car can range from a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
  4. unique a. 獨特的
    Those unique paintings date back 500 years.
  5. minor a. 小的
    We've made some minor changes to our plan.
  6. remarkably adv. 非常地;顯著地
    Though never having been to the United States, Mr. Sato speaks English remarkably well.
  7. remain vi. 保持
    The weather remained hot throughout the month of September.
  8. for generations to come  在未來的世代
    Despite passing away, the singer will be remembered for generations to come.
  1. monument n. 遺跡,名勝古跡
  2. complex n. 綜合建築
  3. carving n. 雕刻物;雕刻圖案
  4. Buddhist a. 佛教的
    Buddhism n. 佛教
    Buddha n. 佛
  5. heritage n. 遺產
  6. bacteria n. 細菌(單數為 bacterium)
  7. ruin n. 廢墟(常用複數)

historic vs. historical
本文 "All these visitors mean that it is a challenge to maintain this unique historic site." 中的 historic 表『有歷史意義的』或『史上有名的』,如:a historic building(歷史建築);而 historical 則表『根據歷史的』,如:a historical figure(歷史人物)即相對於小說或戲劇的『虛構人物』而言。例:
The fall of the Berlin Wall was a historic moment.
Rita's collection of books varies from historical novels to science fiction.

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