常深情看著你、也是最懂你的汪星人 Man's Best Friend and Doctor FEB.15,2021/Enjoy Editors Humans and dogs have lived together for some 15,000 years. However, dogs don't speak any of our languages, so how do they communicate with humans? One way is through their stares. But, when your dog stares at you, it might be hard to figure out what they are looking for.(人類與狗狗生活在一起大概有一萬五千年了。但狗狗又不會說我們的任何一種語言,那麼牠們到底是如何跟人類溝通的呢?其中一種方式就是看著我們。不過,當狗狗盯著你看時,可能還是很難理解牠們究竟想尋求什麼。) |