地表最強的網 The Strongest Webs on Earth |
You might be scared of spiders. But did you know that spiders are like little engineers? Their webs are quite strong. How strong? Some studies show when you have enough spiderwebs, they could be five times stronger than metal. And think of how small they are. If a spider were our size, its web could stop an airplane. Some people are trying to make spiderwebs even stronger. Students at the University of Trento are working with spiders' silk. They want to change the spider so it will make stronger silk. This means their webs would be stronger, too. The work could have uses in the real world. Think of clothes made from spiders' silk. They would feel so comfortable and they would be quite strong. Maybe very soon, they will make special clothes for police. Not even bullets can shoot through these clothes. It would make the police as strong as Superman! 你可能怕蜘蛛,但你知道蜘蛛其實媲美小小工程師嗎?蜘蛛網十分強韌。有多強韌呢?某些研究顯示,若蜘蛛網的數量足夠,它的強韌度可比金屬高出五倍。想想看蜘蛛體型有多小;如果蜘蛛和人類一樣大,牠的網說不定能攔住一架飛機。 有些人試圖讓蜘蛛網再更加強韌。特倫托大學的學生正在研究蜘蛛絲,他們想改造蜘蛛,好產出更強韌的蜘蛛絲,進而有更堅不可摧的蜘蛛網。這項研究成果也許能應用於現實生活。想想看,以蜘蛛絲製衣的話,衣服不僅舒適還會堅固耐用。也許他們很快能研發出警察專用的特殊服飾,讓子彈也無法穿透,這樣一來,警察就會像超級英雄一樣刀槍不入了! |
──────選自《讀出英語核心素養1:九大技巧打造閱讀力(16K+MP3)》 |