| | | | | 商業英文Email 台灣人最常犯的10個錯誤搭配 經常有老外問我們,為什麼是一個人、一頭牛、一隻羊、一塊錢。有些字天生就是和另外一些字搭配在一起,中文這樣,英文也是,像「寫會議紀錄」用take meeting minutes,注意是用take,不是write;「開支票」,是write a check,不是open a check。這種搭配英文叫collocation,就字義來說就是co(一起)+location(位置),放在一起的兩個字。今天要談的是商業英文幾組慣用的搭配,錯誤的搭配不見得就是文法錯誤,但搭對了,就會有自然流暢的專業。 謝謝你提醒我們注意。 - (X)Thank you for bringing this to our notice.
- (O)Thank you for BRING this to our ATTENTION.
我寫信想表達我對於我對此事的不滿。 - (X)I’m writing to show my dissatisfaction regarding this issue.
- (O)I’m writing to EXPRESS my DISATISFACTION regarding this issue.
如果你需要進一步協助,請讓我知道。 - (X)Please let me know if you require extra assistance.
- (O)Please let me know if you require FURTHER/ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE.
只是提醒一下,原訂明天的會議延到下周三的十一點。 - (X)Just a kindly reminder that tomorrow’s meeting has been postponed until next Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.
- (O)Just a FRIENDLY REMINDER that tomorrow’s meeting has been postponed until next Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.
多年來你一直是我們的忠實客戶,我們決定不收取延遲費用。 - (X)As you have been a faithful customer for years, we’ve decided to waive the late fee.
- (O)As you have been a LOYAL CUSTOMER for years, we’ve decided to waive the late fee.
我前一封信忘記提到,我下星期將不在辦公室。 - (X)In my former email, I forgot to mention that I will be out of the office next week.
- (O)In my PREVIOUS EMAIL, I forgot to mention that I will be out of the office next week.
謝謝你迅速回覆,如有評論或建議,我將不勝感激。 - (X)Thank you for your fast response.
- (O)Thank you for your PROMPT RESPONSE.
我們的營業時間從早上八點到晚上九點,周一到周六。 - (X)Our hours of work are 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
- (O)Our HOURS OF OPERATION are 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
明天是國定假日,我們店不營業。 - (X)The store is shut tomorrow in observance of a national holiday.
- (O)The STORE IS CLOSED tomorrow in observance of a national holiday.
我們很遺憾通知您的的申請未獲得批准。 - (X)We regret to notify you that your application has been denied.
- (O)We REGRET TO INFORM you that your application has been denied.
固定搭配看起來不好學,但也正因為固定、沒有變化,所以才好記,貼在筆記上多看幾次就學起來了。 | 熟到老外都覺得你英文好,加入量身訂做的1on1 program | | | 長句子裡的簡單文法 很多人一看到長句子就頭昏眼花,文法觀念瞬間忘光。以下五題都其實都是簡單的文法觀念,請找出錯誤加以改正。 - Inside the sanctuary in Milan, Italy, a famous place of pilgrimage is providing holy water that creates miracle cures.
- Will locusts, the mysterious and powerful destructors, cease to cause great crop losses one day?
- Prosecutors had kept a tight rein on information about the case, leaving a host of basic question unanswered.
- Among the fascinating legendary works, Lyman Baum’s fairy tale, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, will be published in 1900, enjoys the greatest popularity.
- Skilled in Chinese martial arts, he taught Kungfu, writing books and acting in popular Chinese Kungfu movies.
精於中國武術的他,教功夫、寫書,並出演受歡迎的中國功夫電影。 | 非學員請先訂閱世界公民 WEEKLY,才能看得到答案 看答案 | 找不出bug?難怪常常說錯的英文,考慮加入 1on1 program! | | | 不讓自己過時最好的方法是,就是加入世界公民 WEEKLY讀書日! |
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