Perfect Pitch: 選對片語,句子說起來更道地 「簡潔」、「明確」是報告的首要條件,我們發現學生常容易為了要確保聽者明白自己的意思,就在同一個概念上不斷重述,這是因為字沒有選對;此外,有些人因為想要展現專業,會刻意去選一些「難以駕馭」的字,這些字有時不太實際,老外也不常用,說了反而會增加誤會。本期的英語島實驗室,從提案步驟到選字細節(word choice),一步步強化你在台上的表達力。 四平八穩的用字沒有錯,卻容易讓人聽起來死氣沉沉,試著把這裡的片語放進句子裡,報告起來更道地。 1. Back up – to support If you could back me up on this idea, I can promise you a return. 如果你能在這個點子上支持我,我一定會回報你。 2. Check out – to look at carefully Check out this graph. See how the numbers add up? 仔細檢視這個圖表,看看這些數字如何加總? 3. Pitch in – to help If everyone pitches in, then it we would have enough financial support to launch this product. 如果大家都來幫忙,我們就能有足夠的資金發起這項產品。 4. Count on – to rely on You can count on us to make the best use of your investment. 你可以信賴我們,我們會將你的投資做最妥善的利用。 5. Cut back on – consume less of something This will help us cut back on expenses. 這將有助於我們減低支出。 6. Cut in – to interrupt Feel free to cut in and ask any questions! 別怕打斷我,有問題儘管說! 7. Do away with – to get rid of something or put an end to it We did away with the old design because it was not drawing customers. 我們扔掉那個舊的設計了,它無法吸引消費者。 8. End up – to eventually reach a place to decide on something We ended up joining this industry despite not planning on doing so originally. 儘管一開始沒打算這麼做,我們最終還是進了這個產業。 9. Find out – to gain knowledge about something We found out that this wasn’t going to work, so we made some changes. 我們得知這麼做沒效,所以做了一些改變。 10. Get together – to gather or group together My business partner and I got together and made a plan. 我的同事和我一同發起一個計劃。 11. Go after – to try to achieve something We’re going after our dreams and starting this business. 我們正試著達成夢想並開始這個事業。 12. Go up against– to compete with We’re going up against these two competitors. 我們正在與這兩個對手競爭。 本文收錄於英語島English Island 2018年6月號 訂閱雜誌