2017年5月9日 星期二

Learning on the Road  世界就是一所最好的學校

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2017/05/09 第297期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Learning on the Road  世界就是一所最好的學校
An 11-year-old Australian goes to school in a very different classroom.

  It's often said that one of the best methods of learning is through experience and travel. Still, most people pursue a traditional classroom education, with travel being just a luxury. But that doesn't mean there aren't those who do things a little differently.
  For 11-year-old Louis Johnston of Adelaide, Australia, the world is truly his classroom. His mother, Ruth, sold all their possessions in order to give her son a more worldly education. They set off around the world in 2012. Starting in Fiji, they've managed to make it to 65 countries, with no sign of slowing down any time soon. They tried to live off as little as £25 per day, though sometimes they had to rely on the kindness of strangers for a hot meal or a place to sleep.
  What the Johnstons are doing is questionable for some. Louis doesn't do any traditional schooling, but as Ruth says, when he's doing currency conversions, that's math. When he's planning their next stop, he's learning geography and time management skills, and when visiting historical places, he's learning about history.
What's next for this sightseeing duo? More traveling, of course! They want to reach a total of 100 countries within the next three years.


  對澳洲阿得雷德市十一歲的路易斯•約翰斯頓來說,世界就是他的教室。他的母親露絲為了給她兒子一個更多生活經驗的教育,她賣掉所有的財產。他們於 2012 年出發環遊世界。旅程從斐濟開始,他們已走遍六十五個國家,看來近期還沒有放慢腳步的跡象。他們試著每天以二十五英磅那樣少的花費生活,儘管有時他們必須依靠陌生人的善心來給予一頓熱騰騰的餐點或過夜的地方。

  1. pursue vt. 追求
    Mary's parents encouraged her to pursue her dream.
  2. luxury n. 奢侈,奢華
    This luxury hotel boasts three swimming pools and a golf course.
    * boast vt. 以擁有……而自豪
  3. possession n. 財產(常用複數)
    Anna pursued material things like money, possessions, and high social status.
  4. worldly a. 世間的;世俗的
    The man was eager to gain worldly fame.
  5. manage to V  設法……
    John couldn't manage to save money even though he had a high income.
  6. rely on...  依靠……
    Helen relies on her friends and family for emotional support.
  7. questionable a. 有疑問的,有問題的
    It is highly questionable whether Sam will pass the test.
  8. management n. 管理
    Mr. Johnson gave me a few pieces of valuable advice on the importance of time management.

currency n. 貨幣
conversion n. 換算

duo 的相關用法
本文 "What's next for this sightseeing duo?" 中的 duo 為名詞,為「雙人組」的意思,相關用法還有 trio(三人組)、quartet(四人組)和 quintet(五人組)。例:

Jim and his partner make quite a handsome duo.

The police are looking for a trio of robbers who stole money from the bank last week.

機器人搶工作 美國人輸定了


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