2016年7月18日 星期一

Cesar to the Rescue 3   呼叫西薩狗教官 3

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2016/07/19 第257期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Cesar to the Rescue 3   呼叫西薩狗教官 3


  When you have canine troubles, there is only one person to call — Cesar Millan, the dog whisperer. Over the past 16 years, Millan has been rescuing troubled or dangerous dogs with his unique method of dog training. As he brings out-of-control pets to heel, he trains the owners how to establish themselves as leaders of the pack. National Geographic Channel (NGC) brings a new pack of dogs for Millan to train in Cesar to the Rescue 3.
  In one episode of the series, Millan visits the home of a wild chihuahua. Though the tiny dog looks cute and harmless, it is actually a monster in disguise. Millan approaches the overly aggressive dog with a calm, confident manner. Though the dog attacks, Millan does not back down. Instead, the dog whisperer turns the once wild chihuahua into a well-behaved pooch. Make sure to follow the series each week as Millan answers the calls for help from desperate dog owners. Tune in to NGC to learn how to become the leader of the pack in Cesar to the Rescue 3.


  你有狗狗方面的問題時,你只能呼叫一個人,那就是狗教官西薩•米蘭。過去這十六多年來,米蘭用他獨特的狗狗訓練方式拯救了不安的或危險的狗夠。他將失控的寵物馴服後,便訓練其飼主如何被接受成為這群寵物的領袖。國家地理頻道在《呼叫西薩狗教官 3》中為米蘭帶來了新的一群狗狗給他訓練。
  這個系列節目的其中一集裡,米蘭去探訪一隻性情很野的吉娃娃家。這隻小型狗雖然看來既可愛又無害,但是牠其實是偽裝很好的惡魔。米蘭以沉著、自信的方式來面對這隻有過度攻擊傾向的小狗。雖然這隻狗會攻擊人,但是米蘭並沒有退縮。狗教官反而把這隻曾經很野蠻的吉娃娃變成一隻聽話的狗狗。每週一定要收看本系列節目來看米蘭回覆來自絕望狗主人的求助電話。請鎖定國家地理頻道的《呼叫西薩狗教官 3》來學習如何成為寵物的領袖。

  1. heel n. 腳後跟;鞋跟
    bring...to heel  使……順從/就範
    The prison guard brought the prisoners to heel after a fight broke out.
  2. establish vt. 建立,設立
    establish oneself as...  使……得到承認/被接受
    Jack established himself as the leader of the group after they crash-landed on a deserted island.
  3. harmless a. 不致傷的,無害的
    That mean-looking dog is actually harmless.
  4. approach vt. 面對,處理
    Jason approached the problem in a different way.
  5. overly adv. 太,非常,過於
    Some say that Ted is an overly ambitious young man.
  6. aggressive a. 有侵略/攻擊性的
    The aggressive man wanted to fight all the people at the party.
  7. confident a. 有把握的,有信心的
    Ian is confident that he can pass the exam.
  8. desperate a. 絕望的;拼命的
    The couple was getting desperate because they couldn't find their son anywhere.
  1. harmony n. 和睦,融洽
  2. canine a. 狗的,犬科動物的
  3. chihuahua n. 吉娃娃狗
  4. disguise n. 偽裝(物)
  5. pooch n. 狗(此為幽默用語)



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