Direct report 到底是老闆還是下屬?一次搞懂report這個字地道用法
“What would your direct reports say about you?”
Direct report,他想當然就是他直接匯報的對象,應該是老闆,於是就侃侃而談,老闆認為他非常的Loyal、honest、dependable。
其實這是答非所問,完全跑題了。Direct report不是老闆,而是下屬。
1. What would your direct reports say about you?
Direct report是「直接向你匯報的人」,也就是下屬,大家熟悉的「下屬/上司」的說法可能是subordinate/supervisor。
而商場上人們傾向於用沒有階級意識、優越感的語言,所以很常用direct report來稱下屬。
“How many direct reports do you have?” 你直接管理多少人?
也可以用span of control(管理幅度)問:
"What is your span of control as a manager?”你當主管直接管理多少人?
上面這兩句和"How many people do you manage?”意思不同。因為問manage是指你管理多少人,未必是直接管理,而是你管理的部門有多少人。來看例句:
She has a dozen direct reports, but manages many more people.
和Direct report直屬部下相對的一個詞是line manager;意思是「直屬上司」。
My line manager wants the meeting arranged immediately. 我上司希望這會議能立刻安排。
2. We report for work at 9 a.m. every morning.
Report除了「報告」之外,還有「報到」的意思。Report for work或report for duty,比start to work還正式,指的是在指定的時間出現且開始工作。
She failed to report for duty on the date indicated. 她沒有在指定日期報到上班。
3. My son got an excellent report last semester.
Report還有成績單的意思,相當於school report和report card。因為成績單就是對學生學習狀況的報告。
4. 報稅≠ report tax 報告≠report custom
(X)I hire an accountant to report my tax.
(O)I hire an accountant to file my taxes.
Report是報告,報案英文可以用report a crime,但報稅和報關的「報」都不用report。
(X)I have nothing to report at the customs. 我沒什麼要申報的。
(O)I have nothing to declare ( at the customs.) 我沒什麼要申報的。