The ancient Egyptians worshipped many gods. They often had both human and animal appearances. The most important god was Ra, the sun god. He had a falcon's head. The pharaoh was believed to be a child of Ra. Horus, another god of the sun, had the head of a falcon. Anubis, the god of the dead, had the head of a jackal. Set, or Seth, was the god of chaos. Osiris ruled the underworld. Isis, the sister and wife of Osiris and the mother of Horus, was the goddess of fertility. She also protected people from sickness and harm. The pharaohs were both wealthy and powerful. Menes became the first pharaoh of Egypt when he united two kingdoms. Ramses II was the greatest and most powerful pharaoh of all. He conquered many lands. Egypt was the most prosperous during the reign of Amenhotep III. The ancient Egyptians believed they would have new lives after they died. So the culture of Egypt centered on life after death. They developed a way to preserve the dead and could make a body a mummy. Also, Egyptian tombs contained everything a person would need in the next life. 古埃及人信奉許多神祇,這些神祇通常兼具人與動物的外貌。其中最重要的神是太陽神「拉」,祂有著鷹頭,古埃及人相信法老即為「拉」之子。另一位太陽神荷魯斯也是鷹首人身。阿努比斯是死神,有著一顆胡狼頭。賽特是混亂之神。歐西里斯統治陰間。伊西絲是歐西里斯的姊妹兼妻子,也是荷魯斯的母親,祂是生育女神,同時保護著人民遠離病痛和傷害。 埃及的法老既有財富又有權勢。美尼斯統一了兩個王國,成為埃及的第一位法老。拉美西斯二世是所有法老中最偉大、權勢最大的一位,曾征服了許多領土。而在阿蒙霍特普三世統治下的埃及則是最繁榮的時期。 古埃及人相信人死後能夠重生,因此埃及文化集中於死者的來生。他們發展出一套保存死者的方式,將屍體製成木乃伊。同時,埃及的陵墓也保存了一個人在來世所需的一切物品。 |