One of the earliest human civilizations formed in Egypt about 5,000 years ago. It was centered on the Nile River. The land around the Nile was very fertile because the river flooded every year. During the floods, the river left rich topsoil and silt on the land. This let farmers grow many crops. Soon, Egypt had a large population. Ancient Egypt was ruled by pharaohs. They were kings, but people believed the pharaohs were descended from gods. As god-kings, the pharaohs ruled over the Egyptians, who were slaves. The ancient Egyptians were great engineers and builders. They built enormous pyramids that were tombs for the pharaohs. They also built the Sphinx near the pyramids. And they constructed many other stone temples and monuments throughout the land. The ancient Egyptians developed a writing system called hieroglyphics. It used pictures and symbols that represented ideas, sound, and objects. Hieroglyphics were carved on walls and monuments. 最早的人類文明之一於五千年前形成於埃及,集中在尼羅河沿岸。尼羅河每年定期氾濫,因此周圍的土壤十分肥沃。河水氾濫期間,在陸地上留下肥沃的表土和淤泥,讓農人得以種植大量農作物。沒多久,埃及就聚集了大量的人口。 古埃及由法老王所統治。法老是國王,但人民相信法老是神的後裔。法老被視為神王,統治身為奴隸的埃及人。 古埃及人是偉大的工程師和建築師,他們建造出雄偉的金字塔,來作為法老的墳墓。他們同時也在金字塔附近建造了獅身人面像,並在埃及境內修建了許多其他的石造神殿和紀念碑。 古埃及人發展出一套叫做「象形文字」的書寫系統,這套系統運用了代表概念、聲音和物體的圖畫和符號。象形文字被刻於牆壁和紀念碑上。 |