Everyone has five senses. The five senses are sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. We use different body parts for different senses. We need to take care of the parts of our bodies that let us use our senses. For example, you use your eyes for seeing. You should protect your eyes and have a doctor regularly check your eyesight. Don't sit too close to the TV or computer monitor, and don't read in the dark or in dim light. Never look directly at the sun or at very bright lights. Your ears let you hear the things around you. You should clean your ears all the time. Don't listen to loud music, and try to avoid places that are really loud. Protect your ears when you play sports. Your nose cleans the air you breathe and lets you smell things. Avoid things that have very strong smells. Your tongue help you taste things you eat and drink. Your skin protects your body from germs and gives you your sense of touch. Always wash your hands after blowing your nose, playing outside, or using the restroom. Protect your skin from sunburns. Use sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun. 每個人都有五種感官:視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、味覺以及觸覺,我們利用不同的身體部位來感受不一樣的感覺,必須照顧好這些能讓我們運用感官的身體部位。 舉例來說,你用眼睛來看東西,因此要好好保護眼睛並定期就醫、檢查視力,不要坐在離電視或電腦螢幕太近,不可在昏暗或是微弱的燈光下閱讀,絕不直視太陽或強光。 你的耳朵讓你能聽見周遭的聲音,應該要時常清耳朵,不要聽音量太大的音樂,避免待在過於喧鬧的地方,運動時也要保護你的耳朵。 你的鼻子幫助你清理吸入的空氣,並使你能聞到氣味,應避免過於刺鼻的氣味。 你的舌頭幫助你品嚐食物和飲料的味道。你的皮膚保護身體不讓細菌侵入,也讓你產生觸覺。擤完鼻子、在室外玩耍及上完廁所後,記得要洗手。小心不要讓皮膚曬傷,要擦防曬油以避免皮膚受到日照的傷害。 |