Organizing an exhibition is a big task. First, the artist must decide whether to exhibit alone or with others. If it is a joint exhibition, all the contributors must agree on a theme and a title for their show. They must then find a suitable venue and organize a schedule. After the initial planning stage, the artist or artists must finalize the budget. There are many costs to take into consideration, including renting the venue, buying materials and equipment, and promoting the event. If any of the contributing artists are well known, they may also expect to be paid. In the past, exhibitions were promoted by word of mouth or through printed materials such as posters and leaflets, but these days social media play an equally large part. It is also common to invite reporters from the local press to the opening of an art show. 策展可說是浩大工程。首先,藝術家必須先決定採用個展或聯展的形式。若為聯合展覽,所有參展者均需於展覽主題和名稱方面取得共識。然後找尋合適的場地,並規劃檔期時間。 初期規劃階段結束後,藝術家( 單人或多人) 必須確定最後的預算。因為有許多成本需納入考量,包括租用展場、購買材料設備以及宣傳展覽。如果參展藝術家聲名遠播,亦可能需要支付酬勞給他們。 過去的展覽宣傳方式均仰賴口碑,或透過海報與手冊等文宣資料,現在則多了同樣重要的社群媒體幫忙。而邀請當地媒體記者參加藝術展開幕儀式,亦為常見做法。 |