簡介: ◎ 什麼是 dip one's toes into? ◎「權宜之計」的英語怎麼說? ◎ 解構英國脫歐 Theresa May's Herculean Task Following a textbook career path, Prime Minister Theresa May has for decades been a steadfast figure on the U.K. political scene. She kicked off her career as a consultant at the Bank of England, dipped her toes into politics by becoming a councillor in 1986, and then finally made a move to Parliament a decade later. There, she rose through the ranks, eventually becoming the longest-serving Home Secretary in over 60 years. 德蕾莎.梅伊與她的艱鉅任務 走著教科書版的職涯路,首相德蕾莎.梅伊數十年來在英國政治圈裡始終是個堅毅不屈的人物。她以英格蘭銀行顧問的身分展開職涯,於 1986 年成為地方議員而涉足政治,終於在十年後前進英國國會。在那裡,她平步青雲,最終成為六十多年來任期最長的內政大臣。 |