2016年7月25日 星期一

The Truth Is Out There   幽浮機密檔案大公開

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2016/07/26 第258期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Truth Is Out There   幽浮機密檔案大公開

  The X-Files has returned to television recently after being off the air for more than 10 years. The two main characters, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, are still searching for clues of extra-terrestrial life all around America.
  In real life, the CIA just released thousands of classified documents from the 1940s to the 1960s about alien and UFO sightings in the US. Those people that think the government knows about and is hiding their proof of aliens might be disappointed. There are plenty of documents about flying saucers but nothing is life-and-death. Instead, the only things that conspiracy theorists might find interesting are the few files that do not have explanations. Most of the released reports were found to be faked.
  It seems that the CIA released these files to take advantage of the publicity around The X-Files reboot. On the CIA's Twitter account, a post shows what people should do if they see a UFO. Overall, the CIA believes that releasing these files shows everyone that there are scientific explanations for nearly all of those supposed UFO sightings.


  《X 檔案》播映完畢十多年後,最近重返電視螢幕。兩位主角 —— 福克斯•穆德和黛娜•史卡莉 —— 依然在美國各地尋找外星生命的線索。
  中央情報局似乎是趁著大眾對於《X 檔案》復播的關注來公布這些檔案。在中央情報局的推特帳號上,有一則貼文寫到如果人們看到幽浮該怎麼辦。總的來說,中央情報局認為公布這些檔案可以告訴大家幾乎所有那些傳聞的幽浮目擊事件都可以用科學來解釋。

  1. clue n. 線索;提示
    Owen put the clues together and solved the crime.
  2. disappointed a. 失望的,沮喪的
    Tony felt disappointed by being unable to spend Christmas Day with his family.
  3. life-and-death a. 重大的;生死攸關的
    Monica's mother is engaged in a life-and-death struggle with cancer.
  4. fake vt. 偽造;假裝
    The salesperson was sent to jail for faking his client's signature on the contract.
  5. take advantage of...  利用……
    Vivian and I took advantage of the good weather and had a picnic.
  6. publicity n.(媒體大眾的)關注;宣傳
    We'll use any method necessary to get publicity for our new product.
  7. overall adv. 總的來說
    Overall, this competition has been a lot of fun.
  8. supposed a. 傳聞的,據說的
    Everyone at the office was talking about Jenny's supposed affair with the boss.
  1. alien a. 外星人的 & n. 外星人
  2. spacecraft n. 太空船
  3. extra-terrestrial a. 地球外的;宇宙的
  4. classified a.(資料、文件等)保密的,機密的
  5. document n. 文件;公文
  6. sighting n. 目擊,看見
  7. conspiracy n. 陰謀,密謀



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