2016年7月14日 星期四

New Chapter for Classic Paris Bookstore: Books Printed on Demand/隨選印刷 巴黎書店跟上潮流

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2016/07/15 第131期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 New Chapter for Classic Paris Bookstore: Books Printed on Demand/隨選印刷 巴黎書店跟上潮流
From the Land of Ichiro, A Relay Throw to Africa/一朗領風潮 日本把棒球傳非洲
New Chapter for Classic Paris Bookstore: Books Printed on Demand/隨選印刷 巴黎書店跟上潮流
Ciara Nugent

Gauthier Charrier, a graphic design student, stepped inside one of Paris' newest bookstores and wondered, "Where are all the books?"

"I saw this empty, open space — just a couple of stools — and I wondered, 'Did someone mess up?'" Charrier, 20, said.



No one messed up.

The pronounced stock shortage inside the Librairie des Puf, run by the publisher University Press of France, or Les Puf for short, is not the result of an ordering mistake, but the heart of the shop's business model.



There are books, but they are not delivered in advance from wholesalers. They are printed on request, before the customer's very eyes, on an Espresso Book Machine. On Demand Books, the U.S. company that manufactures the machine, chose the name as a nod to an activity you can complete in the five minutes it takes to print a book: Have a quick coffee.

Labeled, not so modestly, the "Gutenberg press of the 21st century" by its creators, the machine sits in a back corner of the shop, humming as it turns PDFs into paperbacks. Customers use tablets to select the titles for print — adding, if they want to, their own handwritten inscriptions — while sipping coffee in the light and airy storefront in the Latin Quarter of Paris.


機器的創造人不太謙虛,將它標榜為「21世紀的古騰堡印刷機」,機器位於書店後方一個角落,它將PDF檔案轉換成平裝本時,會發出低鳴聲。顧客使用平板電腦選擇列印的書籍─若有需要,還可添加自己手寫的題詞 ─ 同時可在巴黎拉丁區一個光亮且通風的店面內啜飲咖啡。

"The customers are all surprised," said the shop's director, Alexandre Gaudefroy. "At first, they're a little uncomfortable with the tablets. After all, you come to a bookshop to look at books. But thanks to the machine and the tablets, the customer holds a digital library in their hands."

From a business standpoint, Gaudefroy said, "I don't have to worry about space for the stock. We're in a space which measures less than 80 meters squared (about 861 square feet), and I can offer readers as many titles as I want."



And that is a lot of titles. All 5,000 books published by Les Puf are available, as well as an additional 3 million books compiled by On Demand Books, including titles from 10 large U.S. publishers and the public domain.

Les Puf's prestige in the industry has helped it secure even more titles — a group of French publishers are expected to hand over PDFs of their titles in a few weeks.



"What's really exciting is that, thanks to the on-demand model, we can revive old titles, which we previously hadn't bothered with because they'd only sell five or 10 copies in a year," Gaudefroy said. "On-demand, it's a new economy for us."


From the Land of Ichiro, A Relay Throw to Africa/一朗領風潮 日本把棒球傳非洲
Ken Maguire

Babacar Ndiaye, 12, doesn't know Babe Ruth from Bryce Harper. The boy's favorite baseball player is Ryoma Ogawa, who teaches Senegalese children to catch, throw, field and hit.

Baseball is called America's pastime, but Japan has been cultivating the sport in soccer-crazed Africa for years. Ogawa, 24, is the latest in a long line of Japanese baseball missionaries.



They have helped create leagues in Burkina Faso and Tanzania, and the Japanese government paid for new fields in Ghana and Uganda. African coaches and top players visit Japan for training. A few Africans have earned spots on teams in Japan's independent leagues.

Volunteers are sent around the world by the Japan International Cooperation Agency, or JICA, which runs a program similar to the Peace Corps. They say baseball, which is one of Japan's most-loved sports, is rewarding beyond the field.



"Children can learn about team spirit and rules in sports, because there are rules in society," said Megumi Chiba, a JICA volunteer coordinator in Dakar. "We can contribute also for their health. Especially in Dakar, schools don't have sports grounds, so they don't have a chance to practice sports at school."

Ogawa's weeknight practices are held on a sandlot next to a military base in Dakar's Ouakam neighborhood. Volunteers and local baseball associations are often on their own because there is little government support.



There is no grass and no pitcher's mound. Players wear jeans, sweatpants or shorts. A big tree sits in left center field, and aircraft engines hum beyond the concrete wall in deep center. The soccer game behind home plate sometimes spills over.

"I've had to teach the basics very slowly," said Ogawa, a former high school outfielder. "They're very energetic, but it's all new for them."



During one informal game, a tall boy in yellow rounded third base, pushed aside his slower teammate, and scored before him, an act that would be normal for taxis on Dakar's hectic roads, but is against the rules in baseball.

Along with smiles, there is discipline. The boys must retrieve their errant throws. Before each practice, they remove rocks and trash from the field.

"If you don't pick up, you can't play," said Mamadou Bassirou, 13.




At times, it's a hot mess of linguistic and cultural misunderstandings. Ogawa speaks some French, but the players prefer Wolof, a local language. He calls out "strike one," "strike two," in accented English, and the boys mimic him. They ask him if Japan is the same as China, and if everyone knows karate.


孩子的第一堂食育課 從菜園到餐桌的探索之旅

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