2016年7月11日 星期一

Light the Night Sky   夜空中的美麗火花

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2016/07/12 第256期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Light the Night Sky   夜空中的美麗火花

  On holidays, like New Year's Eve and the fourth of July, they light up the night sky. For over a thousand years, they have turned night into day with fantastic displays of color. Of course, we are talking about fireworks, an explosive invention we never seem to get tired of.
  The exact origin of fireworks is not known, though most historians believe they began sometime in 7th century China. There, fireworks were invented to be used in celebrations. The Chinese believed that by setting off fireworks, they could drive away evil spirits and attract good fortune. Everyone from emperors to commoners could enjoy fireworks displays, and firework-making became an important profession.
  In 1758, a French Jesuit missionary living in Beijing wrote about how fireworks were made. His account would later be widely published and translated, leading to fireworks "blowing up" all over Europe.
  Today, fireworks can be seen across the globe during celebrations and even fireworks competitions. At the Montreal Fireworks Festival, around three million onlookers watch as teams from different countries put on musical displays that include fire. As many as 6,000 fireworks are set off to music, making for a magical evening.


  1758 年時,住在北京的法國天主教耶穌會傳教士寫下了關於製造煙火的方法。他的描述後來被廣泛刊登及翻譯出來,導致煙火在全歐洲『雨後春筍般地出現』。

  1. explosive a. 爆炸(性)的;爆發的
    Eggs can become explosive if they are put into the microwave.
  2. exact a. 確切的,精確的
    Olivia's mother is not sure of the exact time of her daughter's birth.
  3. set off sth / set sth off  施放……;使……爆炸
    Some people set off firecrackers to celebrate the start of Chinese New Year.
    * firecracker n. 鞭炮;爆竹
  4. drive away... / drive...away  驅趕/趕走……
    It is said that garlic can drive away vampires.
    * vampire n. 吸血鬼
  5. fortune n. 運氣;財富
    It is common practice for people in Asia to pray for good fortune.
  6. publish vt. 刊載,刊登;出版
    Our professor's article was published in the newspaper.
  7. translate vt. 翻譯
    translate... (from A) into B  把……(從 A 語言)翻譯成 B 語言
    The writer translated the novel from English into Chinese.
  8. competition n. 競賽,比賽
    Jill entered a beauty competition and finished third.
  1. spark n. 火花
  2. profession n. 職業,行業
  3. Jesuit n. 天主教耶穌會會士
  4. missionary n. 傳教士
  5. onlooker n. 旁觀者,觀看者



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