2016年7月11日 星期一


【會計研究月刊電子報】解讀財務、會計、金融、稅務等趨勢走向,讓你掌握財經專業脈動,開拓國際視野! 全台唯一的密技電子報-【電腦人PCuSER 網路e週報】以電腦密技為主軸,協助您排除各類疑難雜症!
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2016/07/11 第195期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份



(A) 脫軌
(B) 盡情享受
(C) 解讀

As more of us do business across cultures and far-flung offices, every meeting can feel like a riddle if we know nothing about the country's meeting culture. Here are five rules of thumb to make your next international meeting a little less nerve-wracking.

1. Stick to the schedule
Where: Germany, Austria, Japan
We've all been to meetings that don't start or finish on time. Not so in these nations, where people are cognizant of how much time remains and don't go over. If a meticulously planned meeting runs over the allotted time, the gathering might be deemed unproductive.
1. 嚴守時間表

2. Don't even think about a brainstorm
Where: China, Malaysia, Singapore
Debating a topic can go against the traditional Chinese concept of “saving face”, which is meant to avoid any actions that could bring embarrassment. In these Asian countries, casting the first stone might (A) derail the entire meeting and (1) stir up a hornet's nest.
2. 忘了腦力激盪吧

3. (B) Savor the interruptions
Where: Italy, France, Spain
When you meet with clients in Italy or Spain, don't get offended if they duck out early or arrive late. Rather than attend the entire three-hour meeting, your counterparts there — and in some parts of France — might attend based on their own timetable. They tend to come and go, making no apologies for it.
3. 享受干擾

4. Please, no small talk
Where: Finland, Sweden
While chitchat can be a good way to ease into more serious discussions, this type of warm-up exercise isn't acceptable in places like Finland and Sweden, where non-meeting-related discussions can be perceived as a waste of time. Besides, there might be long pauses in the conversation, which are used as way to process what the other person is saying.
4. 拜託,不要聊天

5. (C) Decode the feedback culture
Where: South Korea, Germany
When you visit Seoul for business meetings, first make sure to understand the relationships of those across the table from you. The most junior team member speaks first to (2) put their two cents worth in, and the decision maker typically speaks last to have the final say. In German meetings, there's often no way to tell how things are going. German clients always play it cool.
5. 解讀回饋文化

Stir up a hornet's nest惹麻煩,捅婁子
Stir up是「擾亂」、「攪動」的意思,而 hornet's nest就是「大黃蜂的窩」,如果有人擾亂蜂窩,無異是「自找麻煩」。
John stirred up a hornet's nest when he praised a woman's pretty face in front of his wife. 約翰在太太面前稱讚一名女子的美貌,簡直是自找麻煩。
Put your two cents worth in 發表意見
The sales manager hopes that everyone will put their two cents worth in at tomorrow's meeting. 業務經理希望在明天的會議上,大家都能發表意見。



  1. May I borrow your bathroom? 可以借一下廁所嗎?
  2. The pacific divides Asia from America. 太平洋把亞洲和美洲分開。
  3. Please come to my office in the center of the day. 請中午來一趟我的辦公室。
  4. My father invited three customers to dinner in our house. 我爸爸邀請了三位客人來家裡吃晚餐。
  5. That old lady kindly taught me the way to Taipei 101. 那位年長的女士親切地告訴我怎麼去台北101。


  1. May I use your bathroom? borrow與use在很多情況下都可以相互替代,但要注意borrow通常指借了東西以後,就將東西帶離現場,而廁所不能搬離,因此在此不適用。
  2. The pacific separates Asia from America. divide表示「把一個整體分成幾個部分」,至於separate才表示「把原來連在一起或緊密相連的部分分開」,本句適用後者。
  3. Please come to my office in the middle of the day. center、middle都是「中間、中央」的意思,但middle才可以用於時間。
  4. My father invited three guests to dinner in our house. customer和guest雖然都譯為「客人」,但customer指在商店裡購物的客人,guest才是用來指家庭訪客、旅館入住客人。
  5. That old lady kindly told me the way to Taipei 101. teach雖如同tell一般也有「告知」的意思,但內容多為複雜、費時或需要花錢才能得知的事情,因此用在指路上不適當。

更多Debug 題目





  1. Common mistakes:中文人口說英文最常犯的錯;
  2. Business concepts:每天提供你一個創新的business model,或者是一本暢銷書菁華;
  3. Role-play:學到的英文如何用在口語對話,Role-play讓你現學現用。
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