「現在的年輕人哪….」假如你常常有這樣的感嘆,當心,你可能是員工眼裡最差勁的主管。這篇文章提出七個檢驗自己是不是好主管的重點,觀點很簡單也很實際,但你不見得會用英文表達得很貼切。第一遍仔細地先讀英文,第二遍再對照著中文讀,畫出自己不熟悉的表達,很快地,像「提高團隊效率」、「言聽計從」這些中文裡我們熟悉的詞語,用英文也能自在表達。 進入文章前,請先想想下列英文怎麼說: (A) 自尊 (B) 部屬 (C) 謬論 1. Solid goal, practical expectation 目標要可靠,期望要實際 Before setting a goal for your team, imagine what it'd be like if you're going to do it all by yourself. Is it going to be hard or is it going to be easy? After understanding your goals thoroughly, you can have a more practical expectation. Remember 1) under promise and over deliver always leads to better results. 在訂立團隊目標前,先想像看看若自己要達成這個目標,會是輕而易舉還是難如登天?對目標產生確切了解,便能夠建立更實際的期望。保持不過度承諾、同時表現超乎期待,會創造更好的成果。 2. Build trust within your team 建立團隊互信 Integration within a team always depends on trust. Transparent and honest communication will not only benefit the team's efficiency but also the corporate culture. 相互間的信任是團隊整合的關鍵。坦率透明的溝通不僅有助提高團隊效率,還能打造良好企業文化。 3. Solution is the point 解決導向 When encountering a problem, or when team members make mistakes, remember not to focus on the problem itself but the solution to the issue. This is how employees learn to solve things themselves. 面對難題時,或團隊成員犯錯時,記得不要聚焦於問題本身,而是要專注於事情該如何解決,員工才能學會自行解決問題。 4. Build (A) self-esteem for (B) inferiors 創造部屬的自信心 Pay attention to how you make others feel. A MVP in your team will never be just obedient, but will be confident and understand his or her own value. 注意你給下屬的感受。相較於對你言聽計從,一個了解自身價值且果敢自信的下屬會是更有價值隊友。 5. A good leader is not an autocrat 好的領導人不獨裁 Being a competent leader doesn't mean you are going to 2) throw your weight around. Finding a balance between being firm and being reasonable is a lesson that every leader should learn. 做一個能幹的領導者並不代表要對他人頤指氣使。在立場堅定以及合乎情理間找到平衡點是優質領導人必學的一道課題。 6. Appreciation is important. 懂得賞識很重要 Direct and plain feedbacks are necessary, So is appreciation. Encourage the positive cycle by telling the employee exactly what he did well. 直接的意見很重要,讚賞也是。確切告訴員工他做得好的地方,鼓勵正向循環。 7. Leaders need to serve others 領導人也須「服務他人」 There is a (C) fallacy that the leader' job is to command. Actually, a leader's main mission is to “serve”. Offer the necessary information and give your team a hand when they are need it; that's how you make the team willing to support you in the same way. 領導者的工作是發號施令,這是常見的迷思。事實上一個領導者更需要「服務他人」,提供必要資訊,團隊有需要時,適時伸出援手,他們才可能願意用同樣的方式支持你。 口語詞彙 1. Under promise and over deliver 不過度承諾,表現超乎期待 Promise是承諾,Deliver是履行。 Remember the principle of under promise and over deliver, never make a promise that you cannot fulfill. 謹記凡事要留有餘地,別做出自己無法履行的承諾。 和這句話相反的是Over promise and under deliver,承諾過高卻又無法實際做到。 2. Throw one's weight around 逞威風 指對人濫用自己的權威,表現跋扈或盛氣凌人。 He is a bossy person who's always throwing his weight around. 他是一個老愛對人頤指氣使的霸道傢伙。 |