2016年2月18日 星期四

Primal Survivor  部落求生攻略

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2016/02/16 第234期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Primal Survivor  部落求生攻略


   Today, getting from point A to point B is as easy as a quick Google search. In a few seconds, the magic of the Internet will show not only the shortest path to the destination, but it can also determine all the restaurants, cafes, and malls along the way. Modern technology allows people to live with such ease and convenience that there is little or no risk of ever getting lost in a city. National Geographic Channel (NGC) host Hazen Audel wants to get back to basics in the new show Primal Survivor.
  Long before there were roads, maps, or the Internet, ancient peoples had to rely on their instincts to survive. Primal Survivor features Audel traveling across the rockiest terrain in Papua New Guinea and northern Europe using only ancient survival techniques to keep himself alive. Along the way, viewers will get to see Audel build a rope bridge, cast a fishnet, and spot venomous snakes to stay away from. The show will also teach viewers how to trap animals for food and find shelter when needed. To learn how to survive in the wilderness without the use of the Internet, tune in to watch Primal Survivor, out this month on NGC.


   今日,要從 A 點到 B 點只要快速的進行 Google 搜尋即可。在幾秒鐘內,網路的神奇不僅將會顯示出到目的地最短的路程,而且能幫你找到一路上所有的餐廳、咖啡廳和購物中心。現代科技使人們生活在這樣的安逸和便利之中,鮮少或完全沒有在城市裡迷路的風險。國家地理頻道的主持人海森•奧戴爾在新節目《部落求生攻略》中想要回歸最基本的生存技巧。

  1. risk n. 風險
    Those who smoke have a much higher risk of getting cancer.
  2. long before...  早在……之前
    I knew everything long before Kevin told me the story.
  3. rely on...  依賴……
    Barry relies on notes a lot because he is rather forgetful.
  4. instinct n. 本能
    Birds do not learn to build nests, but build them by instinct.
  5. rocky a. 多岩石的,岩石的
    The Gobi Desert has massive rocky areas.
  6. cast vt. 撒;投射
    The palm tree cast a long shadow across our garden.
  7. spot vt. 看到,認出
    Linda spotted a stain on her new skirt.
    * stain [ sten ] n. 污漬
  8. trap vt.(設陷阱)捕捉
    Tom makes a living by trapping foxes.
  1. wilderness n. 荒野
  2. destination n. 目的地
  3. terrain n. 地形
  4. venomous a. 有毒的

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