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2021/08/13 第578期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 請問怎麼去最快呢?
【英語學習Plus】 Not Your Typical Teen Popstar 非典型的青少年流行樂明星
【本月發燒書】 新制多益聽力滿分奪金演練:1000題練出黃金應試力(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 彩圖英文文法Let's See!【初級+中級】套書79折



A: Excuse me. I'd like to go to the Bronx Zoo, but what's the best way to get there?
B: Let me see. You can take a bus, but the quickest way is to take the subway from here.
A: Where is the nearest subway station?
B: You can see Manhattan Station over there. The zoo is about a 10-minute walk from the East Tremont Avenue station.
A: You have been a great help. Thank you for your kindness.

A: 不好意思,我要去布隆克斯動物園,請問要怎麼去最快呢?
B: 嗯,你可以搭公車去,但是最快的方法是搭地鐵。
A: 那最近的地鐵車站在哪裡?
B: 就在那邊,那是曼哈頓站。到了東崔蒙大道站,下車再走10分鐘左右就到動物園了。
A: 你幫了我大忙,謝謝你。

【Study Points】

1. What's the best way to . . .? 去……最好的方式是什麼?

2. You can take a bus. 你可以搭公車去。
*take +交通工具,指搭乘。

3. Where is the nearest . . .? 最近的……在哪裡?

4. 10-minute walk. 10 分鐘的走路路程
*walk 在這裡做名詞用。

────── 節錄寂天講堂「請問怎麼去最快呢?」

Not Your Typical Teen Popstar 非典型的青少年流行樂明星

Billie Eilish is not your typical teen popstar. She was never a child actor who used their fame to launch a music career. She doesn't produce upbeat dance tracks or songs that are easy to sing along to. She doesn't wear tiny dresses or perfect makeup. She does things her own way, and if no one likes it, then so what! But people do like the way she does things. Her songs have been listened to millions of times online. She has handfuls of major music awards. And her first full-length album, When We Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?, broke several records in its first week of release.

Eilish was just 14 when she uploaded her song "Ocean Eyes" to the Internet. Against her expectations, the next morning, the song had gone viral. Soon after, she was offered a record deal and began releasing hit after hit. In 2019, she released her first album, which became one of the year's most successful records and included elements of pop, electronic music, jazz, dance, R&B, and hip hop. Her songs also avoid common pop themes, such as breaking up and making up. Instead, her lyrics explore serious themes such as drug addiction, loneliness, and mental health.

While most popstars signed to major record labels work with teams of songwriters and producers, Eilish almost always works with her older brother, Finneas. Their brother-sister connection and shared musical tastes allow them to create songs that are distinctively their own and uniquely suited to Eilish's soft, sad singing voice. As a result, the music they create together stands out strongly against the same old sounds of modern day pop.

By playing by her own rules, Eilish is sure to have an interesting and longlasting musical career. And many of us can't wait to see what she comes up with next!


怪奇比莉14 歲時就將自己的歌曲《湛藍眼眸》上傳網路。這首歌到隔天早上已經被瘋傳,超乎了她的預期。不久後,有人主動向她提出唱片合約,她也開始陸續推出暢銷單曲。2019 年,她發行首張專輯,隨即成為年度最為成功的唱片之一,網羅了流行樂、電子樂、爵士、舞曲、節奏藍調和嘻哈樂等元素。她的歌曲亦避開了常見的流行主題,例如分手與復合的內容。她的歌詞反而是探討毒品上癮、孤寂與心理健康等嚴肅主題。


怪奇比莉照著自己的行事規則,絕對能擁有趣味十足又長久的音樂事業──很多人均迫不及待, 盼著她下一次會推出什麼樣的創作!



焦點英語閱讀 3:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文 【三版】(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)



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