2017年5月15日 星期一

The Food Files  食物偵探

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2017/05/16 第298期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Food Files  食物偵探
Host Nikki Muller helps us learn about what goes into our favorite foods.


  Everyone loves to experience the joy of eating well-prepared food. However, with more choices than ever, it can be hard to know where our food comes from and the impact it has on the planet and our bodies. Back for its third season, The Food Files on National Geographic Channel (NGC) helps explore these aspects of what we eat and drink. The show inspects food and drinks to find the health benefits and disadvantages of certain dishes and diets.
  Host Nikki Muller, an energetic foodie and health expert, takes viewers on a tour of where certain types of food are produced and processed. Previous seasons covered the addictive properties of chocolate, the physical effects of drinking coffee, and the differences between organic fruits and vegetables and those grown with chemicals. Muller uses her own knowledge and interviews with doctors, scientists, and nutritionists to provide people who are trying to stay fit with the right information. This month, be aware of what you are eating and drinking, and don't miss season three of The Food Files on NGC.



  1. have an impact on...  對……有影響
    impact n. 影響
    The war has had a huge impact on oil prices.
  2. aspect n. 方面
    New technology is being applied to every aspect of our daily lives.
  3. inspect vt. 檢查,審查
    The fire department inspected all pubs and KTVs in the city.
    消防部門檢查該市所有的酒吧和 KTV。
  4. benefit n. 益處
    Peter quit smoking for the benefit of his health.
  5. disadvantage n. 壞處,缺點
    My mother weighed the advantages and disadvantages of taking the job offer.
  6. energetic a. 精力十足的
    Despite the fact that she is old, Grandma is still quite energetic.

addictive a. 使人上癮的
property n. 性質
organic a. 有機的
nutritionist n. 營養學家


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