2016年8月11日 星期四

Titanic Still Afloat: Print-Only Humor Magazine Publishes Second Issue/只發行紙本!美國新雜誌自嘲是鐵達尼號 但還沒沉

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2016/08/12 第135期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Titanic Still Afloat: Print-Only Humor Magazine Publishes Second Issue/只發行紙本!美國新雜誌自嘲是鐵達尼號 但還沒沉
San Francisco Considers Tax on Tech Companies to Pay for Boom's Downside/舊金山徵稅大刀 砍向科技業
Titanic Still Afloat: Print-Only Humor Magazine Publishes Second Issue/只發行紙本!美國新雜誌自嘲是鐵達尼號 但還沒沉
Jason Zinoman

The first issue of The American Bystander, a new print-only humor magazine, began with a letter from the publisher predicting failure. "This is willfully relaunching the Titanic," Michael Gerber wrote last fall, "knowing full well it will sink."

Founding a magazine that you can't read online does seem like the kind of thing Max Bialystock would do if he went into publishing instead of musical theater. But the old-fashioned form happens to be a perfect match for the refined pleasures of this delightful publication, an essential read for comedy nerds.



The American Bystander, whose second issue came out last week and which can be ordered online, does not just belong to the tradition of defunct magazines like The National Lampoon and Spy. Its nostalgic, lightly witty style evokes influences that have been dead even longer, like the raconteur Jean Shepherd and the sophisticated stylist Robert Benchley.

In an era when so much comedy is boisterous and engaged with the world, The American Bystander's humor is understated and escapist, steering clear of topicality and political jokes. The only time the new issue mentions Donald Trump is to illustrate how 30 years of satire have failed to diminish him. Internet headlines may boast about political satirists destroying and eviscerating their subjects, but this magazine has different ambitions, and while they may seem more modest, don't be fooled. Call it comedy for comedy's sake.



What begins as a clever spoof of righteous logic spins into a parody of a paranoid activist, as his cause leads him to challenge the government, face down insurrection and become embroiled in a lonely battle for a lost cause. It's a twisty story that earns its laughs by continually finding creative ways to extend the joke.


San Francisco Considers Tax on Tech Companies to Pay for Boom's Downside/舊金山徵稅大刀 砍向科技業
Thomas Fuller

Maria Poblet, who leads an organization that assists Latino families facing eviction in San Francisco, says she appreciates the philanthropy that the city's technology companies do in far-flung places to address global poverty and the environment. But what she really wants to see them do is pay more taxes to help with homelessness and lower-cost housing in San Francisco.

"You have a CEO who cares about kids in Ghana one week or dolphins the next week. Those are important," she said. "But the people impacted by displacement in San Francisco are a worthy cause, too."



Poblet is part of a group of activists behind an initiative by three city legislators to impose a payroll tax that would apply only to technology companies, which have been the engine of a booming economy that now appears to be slowing.

Eric Mar, a member of the city's Board of Supervisors, announced the proposal last month for a 1.5 percent payroll tax that would serve as a form of indemnification for what he described as the downside of the technology boom.



Tech companies have been "a tremendous benefit to the city in many ways," Mar said. "But I don't think they've been paying their fair share."

The proposal for what has become known as the tech tax comes as officials struggle to fill growing gaps in the city budget. Money from the tech tax would go toward paying for programs for the homeless and the housing "affordability crisis," Mar said.



Behind the proposal is more than just an effort to raise revenue. The tech tax, the passage of which is considered a long shot, is the latest manifestation of resentment here against the proliferation of high-paid tech workers and the pressures that rising prices have put on residents. Tensions have flared over the notion that tech workers live in a parallel society, in which they are whisked in private buses to work, socialize in their own circles and do not participate in San Francisco's traditions of social collaboration.


"Billions of dollars of venture capital have poured into the city and pushed our people out," said Poblet, executive director of Causa Justa/Just Cause, a nonprofit organization that, among other activities, helps San Francisco residents threatened with eviction.

She and other supporters of the tax say the proposal sends a message to tech companies that they should be paying more to mitigate the repercussions of the boom in their sector.






boom指的是「繁榮興旺、迅速發展、熱潮」的意思,文中則譯作「榮景」,形容某個急速蓬勃發展的狀態,例如dotcom boom指的是2003年發生的網路業榮景,property boom則指房市榮景,而我們常聽到的嬰兒潮,英文則是baby boom。

俚語a long shot字面上意義為「很長的射擊」,而我們都知道,當射擊目標愈遠,打中機率就愈小,因此衍生出「不太可能成功」之意。例句:Even though he got talents in singing, but to be a professional singer seemed to be really a long shot.(即便他有唱歌方面的才華,但要當職業歌手似乎真的不太可能。)


英國脫歐 長期影響不下於雷曼倒閉

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