2016年8月4日 星期四

Taking It to the Street to Dodge Sidewalk Mobs/紐約人行道擠爆 行人與車爭道

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2016/08/05 第134期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Taking It to the Street to Dodge Sidewalk Mobs/紐約人行道擠爆 行人與車爭道
Childless Women to Marketers: We Buy Things Too/被廣告業遺漏 「沒當媽」的女性:哈囉,我們也會購物
Taking It to the Street to Dodge Sidewalk Mobs/紐約人行道擠爆 行人與車爭道
Winnie Hu

Ivette Singh hardly bothers to walk on the sidewalk on her way to work in Midtown Manhattan anymore. Too many people, too little space. Not enough patience.

Instead, Singh can be found on the wrong side of the curb as she makes her way from Pennsylvania Station to her job on Third Avenue near 40th Street, and then back again. She prefers dodging yellow cabs and bicyclists to navigating sidewalks teeming with commuters, tourists and cart-pushing vendors, all jostling for elbow room.



"I don't mind the walk, it's just the people," Singh, an account coordinator for the Univision television network, said. "Sometimes, they're rude. They're on top of you, no personal space. They're smoking. It's tough."

Singh is just one among many pedestrians experiencing a growing phenomenon in New York City: sidewalk gridlock.



While crowding is hardly a new problem in the city, the sidewalks that cemented New York's reputation as a world-class walking city have become obstacle courses as more people than ever live and work in the city and tourism surges. The problem is particularly acute in Manhattan.

Around Penn Station and the Port Authority Bus Terminal, two of the city's main transit hubs, commuters clutching coffee cups and briefcases squeeze by one another during the morning and evening rushes. Throngs of shoppers and visitors sometimes bring swaths of Lower Manhattan to a standstill, prompting some local residents cite clogged sidewalks as their biggest problem in a recent community survey.



Transportation officials are taking measures to alleviate the congestion. To help accommodate foot traffic, they are adding more pedestrian plazas around the city, expanding the presence of a streetscape feature first embraced by the administration of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.

While a crowded sidewalk is simply a symptom of a crowded city, it resonates deeply because it affects almost everyone. Unlike overstuffed subways or tourist attractions like, say, Times Square, there is no going around the sidewalks. They are to New York what freeways are to Los Angeles: an essential part of the infrastructure. Sidewalks not only get people from Point A to Point B, but also serve as a shared public space for rich and poor, native and tourist alike.



Childless Women to Marketers: We Buy Things Too/被廣告業遺漏 「沒當媽」的女性:哈囉,我們也會購物
Alina Tugendjuly


Even as advertisers are embracing new configurations of families — two dads, say, or grandparents raising grandchildren — there's one group that feels left out.

Women who are childless. Or as they also call themselves, the child-free. Or even the NotMoms.



According to census figures, more women in the United States are childless than at any other time since the government began keeping track in 1976. Nearly half of women — 47.6 percent — between the ages of 15 and 44 did not have children in 2014, up from 46.5 percent in 2012. And 15.3 percent of women ages 40 to 44 are childless. The numbers are growing internationally as well.

Despite these statistics, "the majority of marketing talks to adult women like they are all moms or want to be mothers," said Adrianna Bevilaqua, chief creative officer at M Booth, a public relations company.


公關公司M Booth的創意長阿德里安娜.貝維拉夸說,儘管有這些統計數字,「大多數行銷作業卻都把成年女性當成母親或想當母親的人來看待」。

Melanie Notkin has made a career of catering to women who don't have children but love them — she is the founder of the website SavvyAuntie; coined the term "professional aunt, no kids," or PANKs; and is the author of "Otherhood: Modern Women Finding a New Kind of Happiness." She wonders why companies, always eager to target a potentially lucrative demographic, seem to be ignoring this one.

The childless woman is "left off the table," Notkin said. "Advertisers don't know how to pitch to her."



Maria Bailey, chief executive of the marketing firm BSM Media and an author of books about marketing to mothers, estimates that about 60 percent of all women shown in commercials are moms; with certain products, like toys, the percentage is much higher.

One issue is simple inertia — for years advertisers have followed research that says the mother is the main household purchaser. Bailey said mothers spent $3.4 trillion in 2015, "the largest spending consumer group in the U.S."

瑪麗亞.貝雷是行銷公司BSM Media的執行長,也寫了些如何向母親行銷的書籍,她估計,出現在電視廣告中的女性,約有六成是母親;某些特定產品,例如玩具,比率更高。


Another issue is how to portray the concept of being childless. If two women are sitting on the couch chatting about, say, yogurt or a smartphone, who knows, or even cares, if they have children?

"It's an extremely complex subject," said Bridget Brennan, chief executive of the Female Factor, a consulting firm, and author of "Why She Buys." "Women may be childless by choice or by chance. It's very difficult to define assumptions about this market."



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