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2016/08/08 第199期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


(A) 賦予力量
(B) 乏味
(C) 撥出時間

People have loved to tell stories (1) since the dawn of language. What you might not know is that research has shown that the way people construct their personal stories has a large impact on their physical and mental health. Sharing stories with your partner encourages deep communication and is (A) empowering, says Kari Winter, a historian and literary critic at the University at Buffalo.

As the spark in a relationship fades away, the conversation often becomes (B) mundane. Psychologists state the importance of continuing to tell each other stories in order to help you (2) bear in mind why you were attracted to each other in the beginning. Also, it helps you get through the tough times together.

Here are six tips for using storytelling to maintain the bonds in your relationship:
1. Remember the basics of a story: The emotions and lessons of the story should be authentic, and the story must have a structure and character development.
2. (C) Set aside story time: Really take time to talk about meaningful things.
3. Start with your “firsts”: Such as your first date, first kiss, how you first met, etc., because those are happy memories.
4. Tell stories of the past, present and future: Highlight great memories of the past to reconnect, tell a story of a current challenge to illuminate what's important to you, and talk about a story of a future event to visualize what you want for your relationship.
5. Include your emotions: Show you emotions rather than telling them.
6. Practice - (3) start off with something simple.
1. 記得故事的基本要素:故事中的情感與啓示必須要真實,而故事必須有結構、有角色發展。
2. 特別空出說故事的時間:真正花時間來談有意義的事情。
3. 從你們的「第一次」開始說起:例如第一次約會、第一次接吻、第一次的相遇等等,因為這些是快樂的回憶。
4. 訴說過去、現在、未來的故事:從過去美好的回憶重新建立連結;談談現在遇到的困難,了解什麼對你而言是重要的;刻劃未來的故事,讓你對這段關係的期待變得有畫面。
5. 帶入自己的情緒:表達你的情緒,不只是敘述情緒。
6. 多練習:從簡單開始。

In addition to those six tips, Dr. Winter also suggests the three Rs: Reflect on the events. Refine what they meant to you. Read. Furthermore, “Learn from the masters,” she says.
除了這六個技巧,溫特教授還建議3個R:Reflect 省思發生的事件;Refine 從中提煉他們對你的意義是什麼;Read 閱讀。此外,「向大師學習」她說。

1. Since the dawn of 自…以來
Dawn 是黎明的意思,黎明是一日之始,這個片語就有”自…..以來”的意思。
People have pondered the meaning of life since the dawn of civilization. 人類自有文明以來,就一直思考著生命的意義。
2. Bear in mind 惦記,放在心上
想到記,很多人就會用remember,但bear in mind雖然也是記著,但與記憶無關,是惦記著,放在心上。
You better bear that in mind when you make a decision. 你做決定時最好把這件事放在心上。
3. Start off 從…開始
Start off就是start的意思,用片語表現,更口語,更有節奏感。
We should start off the day by doing some workout. 我們應該從做些運動開始這一天。


「Good Job!」「Nice work!」職場裡、生活中,我們經常有機會表達對他人的讚賞,然而,你在說這些看似簡單的句子時,可能犯了錯,卻很少被對方指正(誰會在被讚美時還糾舉人家的英文錯誤?)本週debug專欄特別列舉五個常出錯的讚美用語,下次用上時,請多留意一下。
  1. You have been elected the student of the year. Do well! 你被選為今年的模範生,做得好!
  2. We’re all impressive by your enthusiasm. 我們都很佩服你所展現的熱情。
  3. Your leadership made the team invisible. 你的領導力讓本隊無往不勝。
  4. You got a perfect score on this test. At the girl! 這個測驗妳拿到滿分,好棒!
  5. If you keep working hard like this, you’ll be the cream of milk. 如果你像這樣持續努力,就會成為佼佼者。


  1. You have been elected the student of the year. Well done! well done(幹得好)也作done well,well無論放在前面或後面,都是拿來修飾done(做過的事)。do well則是個命令句,意在要求別人「做好一點!」
  2. We’re all impressed by your enthusiasm. impressed是「(我)留下深刻印象」、impressive則是「(人/事/物)令人印象深刻」,請比較這兩句,就可理解其用法不同:I’m impressed.(我留下深刻印象)、That’s impressive.(那件事令人印象深刻)
  3. Your leadership made the team invincible. invincible是「無敵的、無法征服的」,發音是[U+26AnˋvU+26AnsU+259b!];invisible則是「無形的、看不見的」,發音是[U+26AnˋvU+26AzU+259b!],說的時候要注意發音,以免鬧笑話。
  4. You got a perfect score on this test. Atta girl! 這句口語是由「That’s my girl!」演變而來,atta發音是[ætU+4D9]。
  5. If you keep working hard like this, you’ll be the cream of the crop. the cream of the crop字面意思是「莊稼的鮮奶油」,引申為「最頂尖的人/事/物」。雖說這個片語源自人們認為牛奶脂肪製成的鮮奶油是最佳美味,但the crop不可改為milk(牛奶)。

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