2015年10月15日 星期四

行星、小行星和衛星是否存在著生命 Does Life Exist on Distant Planets, Asteroids, and Moons?

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行星、小行星和衛星是否存在著生命 Does Life Exist on Distant Planets, Asteroids, and Moons?

Besides Earth, does life exist someplace else? Astrobiology is the science that tries to answer that question. As far as we know, life only exists on Earth. Nonetheless, astrobiologists ask questions and form theories about life's origin, evolution, and location in the vast universe. Biology, chemistry, and many other areas of science offer information about both Earth's life and possible extraterrestrial life—life existing outside the limits of the Earth.

Hundreds of planets orbit nearby stars. Some of those planets may have temperatures similar to those on Earth. Life on Earth began in the oceans. These planets may also have water, the cradle of life.

Biologists continue to make new discoveries about extremophiles. These are forms of life that grow and reproduce in very harsh and extreme conditions here on Earth. The existence of extremophiles gives astrobiologists a good reason to consider the requirements for extraterrestrial life in our solar system and on the planets that orbit nearby stars.

Long ago Mars had large oceans. Today Mars has many places with buried ice. Habitats suitable for extraterrestrial extremophiles may exist under the Martian ice. Meteorite ALH84001 is a piece of Mars that was sent to Earth when a large meteorite smashed into the Red Planet. Scientists have found structures in ALH84001 that may be the fossils of Martian life.

Europa is one of Jupiter's many moons. Europa has a huge ice-covered ocean. Could the water below Europa's ice contain some type of extraterrestrial extremophiles? Ceres is the largest asteroid. It, too, is covered with ice. Is Ceres another one of the many places astrobiologists need to look at closely? Spacecraft have discovered ice on the Earth's Moon. Could extraterrestrial life exist beneath our Moon's surface? These are some of the many exciting questions astrobiologists want to answer.

除了地球之外,別的地方是否也存在著生命?「天體生物學」是一門試圖回答這個問題的科學。目前據人類所知,只有地球有生命的存在。儘管如此,天體生物學家還是提出問題,構成了生命起源論、生命演化論,還有在浩瀚宇宙中生命之定位的理論。生物學、化學等諸多領域的科學,也都對地球上的生命和可能存 在的外星生命提供了資料。外星生命是指存在於地球之外的生命。



火星在很久以前曾經存在過大片的海洋。如今,火星上有許多地方都埋藏著冰。火星冰層下有可能存在著適合外星「極端微生物」的棲息地。編號「ALH84001」的火星隕石,是一塊大隕星撞上火星這個紅色星球後,飛來地球上的一塊隕石。科學家們在ALH84001 中所發現的構造,有可能就是火星生命的化石。


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