2015年10月12日 星期一


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2015/10/12第224期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

訊息通知: biz互動英語報即日起改為「雙週發報」~~
簡介:◎「歐豬五國」是哪些國家? ◎「大男人主義掛帥」英語怎麼說? ◎ 財經小詞典:current account

Angela Merkel: The Chancellor of Europe?

For the eighth time since 2006, Forbes placed Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel at the top of its annual The World's 100 Most Powerful Women list. No one had foreseen that this quiet and self-composed former chemist would become the longest-serving elected head of state in the EU. Now, it's difficult to imagine Europe without her.

Merkel is Germany's first female chancellor and has been reelected to the post twice. Although each term has been rough sailing, Merkel's steady hand has earned her extraordinary domestic approval ratings of 75 percent on average. The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis rocked the world's economy during her inaugural term, and since her second term, Merkel has been absorbed in managing the European debt crisis. With the full weight of Germany's staunch economy behind her, Merkel has emerged as the crucial figure in keeping the euro afloat. While the PIIGS nations floundered on the brink of bankruptcy, many European leaders deferred to Merkel as "the decider" regarding their collective fate.

Her third term has been largely colored by the possibility of Grexit, as well as intensive diplomatic measures aimed at curbing Russia's aggression in Ukraine. The incursion enraged the normally dispassionate Merkel who, having grown up in oppressive East Germany, highly values liberty. In a world where national economies are closely intertwined and Russia remains an important trade partner, Merkel has had to play the reassuring but disciplinary mother to Putin's childlike tantrums.


自 2006 年以來,《富比士》第八度將德國總理安格拉.梅克爾列為年度「全球百大最有權力女性」的榜首。沒有人預見這位冷靜沉著的前化學家會成為歐盟裡在任時間最長的國家領袖。現在,已經很難想像沒有她的歐洲會是什麼模樣。
梅克爾是德國第一位女性總理,而且已兩度連任。儘管每次任期並非都一帆風順,但梅克爾穩健的作為使她獲得了非凡的國內支持率,平均高達 75%。美國次貸危機在她的首次任期間震盪了全球經濟,而自第二個任期以來,她一直專注於處理歐債危機。挾著德國健全經濟的完整力量,梅克爾已然成為維繫歐元運作的關鍵人物。在歐豬五國掙扎於破產邊緣之際,許多歐洲領袖都聽從梅克爾這位「決策者」對於歐盟共同命運的決定。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.142 10月號biz互動英語雜誌 》
2015/10/12(一) Is the typhoon still on course or are we going to get lucky?
2015/10/13(二) It looks like the typhoon's going to hit over the weekend, unfortunately.
2015/10/14(三) This typhoon's off the coast of the Philippines as we speak and has wind speeds of nearly 145 miles per hour.
我們談話的當下颱風正在菲律賓外海,風速已接近每小時 145 英里。
2015/10/15(四) That's my hiking plans scuppered.
2015/10/16(五) To maximize your team's potential, it's vital that every member is committed and passionate about achieving success.
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