2020年8月10日 星期一

老闆回你 What else is new? 不是問你還有哪些新進展!

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2020/08/17 第305期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

老闆回你 What else is new? 不是問你還有哪些新進展!

Benson 遇見了一位美國客戶,好一段時間沒見面,客戶很開心地打招呼:“What’s new?”

他想了一想,想不出最近有什麼新的事情,於是回答:“Nothing is new.”


當老外問我們 “What’s new?”的時候,並沒有期待我們告訴他任何新事物,這是外國人打招呼常用的習慣用語,就像我們熟悉的:

How are you? / Wha ... ...


During the coronavirus pandemic, with restaurants either shuttered or reopening due to vastly reduced capacity, and people staying home as second-wave outbreaks erupt, demand for food-delivery services has exploded.


There has been lots of alternate options explored by restaurant owners to survive, and cloud kitchen is one of them. Also known as dark or shared kitchens, these centralized operations can pump out an array of cuisines for established restaurants looking to broaden their delivery footprint, or for brands that exist nowhere else but behind an app.

Kishin RK, the 36-year-old heir to a multi-billion dollar Singapore property empire, is joining the fray, creating a network of 1,000 cloud kitchens across Asia, Europe, and the U.S. to crack the lucrative home-delivery dining market. Globally, cloud kitchen revenue is estimated to climb to almost $72 billion by 2027 from $43 billion last year, according to Allied Market Research.
36歲的新加坡地產大亨繼承人Kishin RK也跳下來搶這塊雲端廚房大餅,他在亞洲、歐洲及美國打造一千家雲端廚房網絡,敲開外送餐市場大門。國際市場調查顧問公司Allied Market Research指出,雲端廚房的全球收益估計將在2027年攀升至720億美元,而去年的收益為430億美元。

“The investment into cloud kitchens is an opportunity to look at real estate with a different lens and create revenue from a space which may not be as relevant anymore,” said Kishin, who founded TiffinLabs with three partners in early 2019.
Kishin RK在2019年與三位夥伴創立TiffinLabs,他表示,「投資雲端廚房是個機會,可以用不同角度看房地產並從看似不相關的領域創造收益。」

Delhi-based restaurant management expert Ashish Tulsian certainly thinks so too. "Around 80% of my restaurant clients have been enquiring about this model since the lockdown was extended in April." That's because these cloud kitchens are helping restaurants compensate for their losses since the time of the pandemic. Many see it as a profitable model, since it requires no physical space to operate from beyond a kitchen and is solely dependant on third party integrations, orders placed on calls, apps, and websites for functioning.
印度德里的一位餐廳管理專家Ashish Tulsian非常認同,他表示:「從四月封城之後,我的餐廳客戶中約有八成已經開始向我打聽雲端廚房的運作模式。」因為雲端廚房可以補償餐廳在疫情期間的損失,許多人將其認為獲利模式,因為不需要有實體空間,而且是由第三方從電話、App及網站點單整合。

Even five star hotel chains are switching to this model. Visheshwar Raj Singh, vice president and general manager of one such brand, explains, “It will take some time for restaurants to return. Till then, we feel this is a great way to provide our valued guests with a safe and easily accessible method of enjoying our food and services. Initially we started off with a few items on the menu but now we have upgraded it four times already. We had a special menu for Easter, Mother’ Day, and Iftar too.”
五星級飯店也開始轉換成雲端廚房模式,一位五星級飯店的副總兼事務經理Visheshwar Raj Singh表示,餐廳要回歸仍需時間,目前我們認為是個好機會,透過安全又簡單的方式讓顧客享用到我們的餐點及服務,最初我們只提供菜單上幾個品項,但現在已經更新菜單四次了,還有針對復活節、母親節及開齋節的特殊菜單。




參考資料:國家教育研究院雙語詞彙、學術名詞暨辭書資訊網,Cambridge Dictionary, Urban Dictionary, Merriam-Webster


本文收錄於英語島English Island 2020年8月號

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