1. remote a. 偏僻的,遙遠的 同: faraway a. Anthropologists often travel to very remote regions to study primitive cultures. 人類學家時常到很偏遠的地方研究原始文化。 *anthropologist n. 人類學家 2. thirst n. 渴望;口渴 & vi. 渴望;渴求 衍: thirst for... 渴望得到…… Rebecca goes to the library in her free time to satisfy her thirst for knowledge. 蕾貝卡有空就會到圖書館以滿足她的求知慾。 People in that war-torn country thirst for peace. 那個飽受戰爭摧殘國家的百姓渴望和平。 *war-torn a. 受戰爭蹂躪的 3. exotic a. 異國風情的;奇特的 Marie likes exotic dances such as the flamenco and the tango. 瑪莉喜歡像是佛朗明哥和探戈等的異國舞蹈。 *flamenco n. 佛朗明哥舞/音樂 4. vast a. 廣闊的;巨大的 The government plans on putting vast amounts of money into the country's education system. 政府計劃投入大量資金在該國的教育體系中。 5. stretch n.(陸地、水上的)一片區域 Boats are rarely seen in this dangerous stretch of the river due to its powerful current. 這片危險河域有強勁水流,所以鮮少會有船隻行經此處。 *current n. 水流;電流 6. dot n. 點狀物,點 & vt. 布滿,點綴 衍: be dotted with... 點綴著…… Sandy's skirt was blue with white dots. 珊蒂的藍裙上有一些白色小圓點。 The night sky was dotted with stars. 夜空布滿了星星。 7. shore n. 臨海國家(恆用複數);(海、湖或河的)岸;濱 衍: ashore adv. 向/在岸上 Millions of immigrants flocked to these shores in the 19th century. 數百萬個移民在十九世紀時蜂擁到這個國家。 *immigrant n.(移入的)移民 flock to... 蜂擁至…… Mike quickly rowed his boat ashore after he thought he saw a shark. 麥克以為他看到鯊魚後,便迅速將船划向岸邊。 *row vt. 划(船) 8. active volcano 活火山 衍: extinct volcano 死火山 dormant volcano 休火山 9. flourishing a. 茂盛的;繁榮的;生氣蓬勃的 衍: flourish vi. 茁壯成長;興旺,繁榮 The most flourishing modern art establishment in the world today is the Tate Modern in London. 現今世上最興旺的現代藝術機構是倫敦的泰特美術館。 The cactus is one of the few plants that can flourish in the desert. 仙人掌是少數可以在這座沙漠中茁壯成長的植物。 *cactus n. 仙人掌(單數形) |